Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia who was the winner of realworldcasting.com got her place in the competition thanks to her dedicated friends that worked with her. Ayiiia is fluent in Spanish fluently and has Mexican origins, but she's making her first time visiting Mexico. Ayiia isn't afraid to express her opinion. She can be a bit sarcastic, which alienates her other roommates. The reality of The Real World is more difficult than she ever could have ever imagined. Ayiiia has a past of drug abuse and cutting. She is now a party girl who's reformed. Although she's faithful to the people she loves, and boasts to be nonjudgmental don't take her side as Ayiiia is a one who holds a grudge. Ayiiia was in a relationship for a while with another women. She was living with her mother in San Diego and was looking for a place that was her own prior to the reunion. The reunion was revealed Jonna and she Jonna did not get along due to their differences during filming.
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